Building brewtopia
The list below is your own personal checklist against climate change: actions you can take right now to help save the planet, each one designed to be read in the time it takes to finish your brew.
How many can you cross off?
0/31 Actions completed
#1 Vote
#2 Think twice
#3 Contact your MP
#4 Eat less meat
#5 Reduce your car usage
#6 Switch to a green energy supplier
#7 Don't take the plane
#8 Reduce energy usage at home
#9 Watch What You Wear
#10 Strike for the climate
#11 Ditch the tea bags
#12 Use (& reuse) a reusable cup
#13 Divest your pension from fossil fuels
#14 Switch to a greener bank
#15 Tell your council to divest from fossil fuels
#16 Remember your own bag
#17 Buy loose fruit & veg
#18 Go Solar
#19 Switch to LED bulbs
#20 Plant and save trees
#21 Choose sustainable palm oil
#22 Use a reusable bottle
#23 Reduce your dairy intake
#24 Reduce garden paving
#25 Keep your current phone
#26 Offset your emissions
#27 Switch to a cold wash
#28 Check your tyre pressure
#29 Get insulated
#30 Opt for a pot-grown Christmas tree
#31 Use Peat-free compost
More actions coming soon.